Our public accounting firm has provided over a decade of service to a wide mix of personal and small business clients.
Michael Mellberg CPA has sought to help his clients through their financial journeys. From the time you first started saving for a rainy day or to obtain a home loan or launch your small business, our firm has been here to serve you all along the way.
The challenges in our financial lives revolve around a boom and bust economy. It is important to understand how the tax system works and how sound personal financial advice can help to ride these waters. As tax and financial planners, we can guide individuals and small businesses to help increase their overall net worth.
It really does matter how much money you are left with after you pay your taxes. Remember each of us are competing with our fellow neighbors and others in the work force. If other people are planning appropriately they are ahead of the game. If you do not plan for taxes and finances your wealth will be diluted compared to those who are planning.
We help our clients plan with sound tax advice and thoughtful strategy. This proactive approach allows you to avoid the pitfalls and take advantage of opportunities that may otherwise have been missed. From contributing to a small business retirement plan or employing your children in your small business these types of strategies can put more money in your pocket and can have additional asset protecting benefits as well.